♥Monday, April 27, 2020
so.... its been another long while since i last posted isnt it?

after a horrible start of the year, i ended up working from home for the last few months. after moving back to the office after a series of events, i've only been back to the office for 1.5 weeks and spent the rest of the time working from home. at least now its not as bad as the past months, stress level has decreased significantly.

but i felt that my mental health is deteriorating even faster. now a days i losing track of days, feeling depressed but i cant show it because i know that no one will understand how i am feeling...  after this pandemic happened, i really opened my eyes and overwhelmed with shock by how many ppl who are selfish and cares for themselves, or ppl who just listens to whatever news and believes everything that comes their way without thinking...

im feeling so tired each morning now that i dont want to get out of bed, but couldnt sleep each night. everything felt so troubling and its getting so sickening. im losing patience to everything, and yet i cant say it out. or rather, i wont say it anymore.

Life is tiring.

Signing off, 
27042020; 0841


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ClaireSim♥;Rabbit {:
December 06 is when i came to earth. i'm currently working somewhere over the rainbow.
i am who i am. don't judge me from the outside.


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- For my wound to ever heal.
- To live properly.

last update 21112019

♥Vanessa Lin; Mei

Sorry if i miss you out.
Contact me and i'll add you in. >.<
last update 21112019
